Orkney Library & Archive’s sound archive is home to hundreds of voices on reel to reel tapes and cassettes, rich in dialect and broad in content. Creatives Mark Jenkins & Rebecca Marr (Kolekto) take a deep dive in to this archive and emerge with a different way of listening. Travelling across time, this audio ballad is a lyrical and immersive experience.

Let the Orkney Sound Waves wash over you.
Available wherever you get your podcasts and on our website orkneysoundwaves.wordpress.com

Production: Mark Jenkins & Rebecca Marr, Kolekto (www.kolekto.co.uk)

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First Episodes

Orkney Sound Waves: Home - trailer

Orkney Library & Archive’s sound archive is home to hundreds of voices on reel to reel tapes and cassettes, rich in dialect and broad in content. Find out about the ho...

Orkney Sound Waves: Home

Orkney Library & Archive’s sound archive is home to hundreds of voices on reel to reel tapes and cassettes, rich in dialect and broad in content. Creatives Mark Jenkin...

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